User Manual
System User Guide
The System User Guide for MTC provides comprehensive instructions for users to efficiently navigate and utilize the system.
Device Management Guide
This guide ensures users have the necessary tools and knowledge to efficiently manage devices within the MTC system.
Content Creation Guide
Detailed user guide for creating and managing diverse multimedia content, across various platforms.
Instructional videos
MTC Installation Guide for Devices
Learn how to install MTC on your devices with this comprehensive guide. This video provides step-by-step instructions to ensure a smooth installation process, helping you get started efficiently.
MTC CMS Setup Guide
Discover how to easily and quickly set up the MTC CMS system. This video will guide you step-by-step through adding devices, building templates, helping you manage your content efficiently.
Specific features of MTC
Explore the specific features of MTC in this video. Learn about the unique functionalities and tools that make MTC a powerful content management system, designed to streamline your workflow and enhance your content management experience.
On which platforms can the MTC software be used?
The software support platforms such as Windows, Android, and Linux.
Does MTC required an Internet connection to use?
The software can operate without an Internet connection. However, certain features like data synchronization between devices will require network connectivity.
How can I synchronize data between devices?
You can synchronize data by logging into your account on all devices and enabling the synchronization feature in the settings.
Does MTC provide chart and reports to track progress?
Yes, the software offers various charts and reports to help you monitor work progress and team performance.
Does the software allow for team collaboration and task sharing?
The software allows you to invite members to a team, share tasks, and track the progress of each member.
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